Switch account

Note that the _Switch account_ menu item is only visible if you have more than one type of account. For example, you may be a member of both the MPCT Board of Trustees and the Assessing Committee. If that were so, you would see options to _Switch account_ in your menu.

Clicking another account to switch to is the same as logging out of the MPCT grants portal and then logging back in to the other account.

When you switch accounts in this way, the menu will then provide an option to return to the account you were previously using.

If you open multiple tabs in one type of account and then, in one tab, switch to a different account, those other tabs will also now be linked to the account you've switched to. In many cases this will mean they no longer operate as expected.

If you can't find the information you need, please use the "Get in touch" form on this page to send an inquiry to MPCT.

Dashboard | Welcome | Applications | List all applications | Create a new application | Applicant account | Profile | Switch account